Hannah doesn't know this yet, but we are leaving in the morning to go to Florida. This will be her first beach experience. I love the beach. One day, I hope to retire near the beach. I feel a Godly connection when I'm on the beach. The sand, the surf, the wind, the smell of salt, the sun, everything about it makes me feel God is near. I can't wait to see how little Hannah is going to react to feeling sand in her toes for the first time.
Many people have told me that their babies hated the beach. I have a feeling that my daughter will love it. She loves trash and paper and anything she can grab and put in her mouth. So I'm thinking that this may work to our advantage when we go to the beach.
Hannah already loves to swim and be in the water. So I know she is going to love being in that giant pool. We bought her this adorable floaty that has a 'hood' over it to keep her shaded from the sun. SHA! So cute. I can't wait to see her kick and kick in the big pool.
We also got her these 'claws' that you use to play in the sand. Now, she's already found these claws and has been playing on our kitchen floor with them. So the toys will be familiar. But when she finds out that she can control the movement of the sand with these claws, I have a feeling she is going to be in heaven. The verdict is still out on whether or not she will actually like it on the beach, but my internal mommy instincts say she will love it.
In case she doesn't like it, we also rented this little 'pup tent' made just for babies on the beach. She can go in there and be shaded by the sun AND be off of the sand if she is bothered by it. There is this GREAT company called Baby Beach Rentals www.baby-equipment-rentals.com and they cater to the Orange Beach/Perdido/Pensacola area. We are renting our crib, high chair, swing, stroller, pup tent, and even baby food from them for a NOMINAL fee. It's like $3-4 a day for each item. Very cheap, and it will make my baby so comfortable while we're there, and it will make packing MUCH easier. The best thing about it is that this company knows our condo room number, and will come set it all up for us. When we arive, it'll all be in place!!!! How awesome is that!!! I am so excited.
Wish us well, people... I'll be back in a week to let you know how it all went!!