Miss Hannah's Page

A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Beach Time Part 2

Here are a few shots we took at the beach. We did this photo shoot on Wednesday, August 9th at around 7:00am. The sun wasn't too hot, the sand was cool, and Hannah was awake, since she's cutting her first tooth (naturally, since we're on vacation...) and she'd been up since about 3:00 that morning. All in all, she was happy as a lark, considering that some babies cry their heads off. Mine just wanted to play. No sleep, just play.

Here she is relaxing on the cool sand in the early morning.

She studied the sand carefully before she further examined it with her mouth.

It's amazing... she didn't even mind it on her hands and feet.

I don't know of anything cuter than a black and white photo of a baby wearing a white eyelet outfit on a beach.

But then again, I am biased.

Allen Breaux, eat your heart out...


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