Miss Hannah's Page

A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, Nana!

Hannah's GREAT-gramma, Nana, turned 85 yesterday.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blond Curly Q's

Hey Everybody! Hannah here...
Just wanted to show you that my hair is really starting to grow!! And it's blond and curly too!
Ahhhhh... yep, life is good. Good good good. :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Gianna's Birthday!

Hannah's friend, Gianna, turned three and had a big "Dora" birthday party in Girard Park. They had a blast eating Dora cake and watching Gianna open tons of "Dora" gifts!
Gianna is chowing down on her birthday cake! Isn't she adorable?
Here's Griffin enjoying a piece of Dora birthday cake! What a cutie.
The girls had a big time together playing! I am not sure who had more fun!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

We're Goin to the ZOO!

We went to the Zoo of Acadiana today, and what a perfect day to spend outside! The weather was awesome, the animals were all out, and we had a great family day together!