Miss Hannah's Page

A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

About time for some riding toys..

Hannah and I went to our neighbor Isabelle's first birthday party over the weekend. And boy, did Hannah have fun.
Dillon and Isabelle have tons of riding toys and Hannah was ALL OVER THEM. Boy did she have a blast!
She's my little motorcycle babe!

I am thinking we need to get her some riding toys too. What do you think?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Our visit with Aunt Susan and Emily!

My best pal Susan and her little 9 month old baby girl Emily drove in from Houston and came over for a visit with Hannah and me. She even brought Chili's for dinner. What a great dinner guest!

Hannah loved Emily immediately.

I mean, she loved her BARRETTE and decided she needed it immediately....
Here is little Emily posing for the camera. She is a TRUE camera ham and would smile every time I came near her with the camera. Sha baby...
Thanks for coming over, Susan!! We love you!

Monday, March 19, 2007

our cheerleader

Hannah turned 15 months today! We can't believe how fast she is growing. I can remember talking to our worship pastor at church one day and I asked him how old his littlest one was. He told me he was 18 months, and I freaked because he looked so small to me and it seemed like so long ago that he was born. I was scared of little infants, having absolutely no experience with the little ones. Now I look at my own daughter and I can't believe how fast the time has flown.
These pictures were taken at Girard Park over the weekend. That baby girl sure does love to swing!
Here she is posing for me in her cheerleading outfit that her buddy Miss Kay gave her.

Happy 15 months, baby girl!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Conquering the SPOON

We have been trying for months now to get Hannah to eat with a spoon. I don't know what the benchmarks are as to what age they SHOULD be eating with a spoon, but I can tell you definitively that Hannah is NOT getting it.
Until today! I was so shocked that I nearly missed it! She usually holds the spoon in one hand, and then feed herself with her other hand. This makes for one messy eater...but at least she has a grip on that spoon!

Then I guess she decided, "why am I holding this silly thing? Might as well try to use it!" And it worked! She's gettin' after it now...Naturally, eating directly FROM the bowl is always a third option when tired of the hand and the spoon...

And wearing her breakfast is also a personal favorite...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

new website

A friend of mine found a new website to post pictures on, and it seems to be more user friendly than the sites I have used in the past to post pictures. So, if you are interested in keeping up with little Hannah, her pictures are now on a website called "My Photo Album" and it's at http://caryn.myphotoalbum.com

I'll also have pictures on my flickr account http://www.flickr.com/photos/carynbodin/ but I'll be reserving that website for my 'best' photography. It will have scenery, weddings, baby photo shoots, flowers, and other things that I shoot and like.

Anyway, that's the latest on the pictures!! I know some of you check the flickr site a lot to see Hannah and found it to be too hard to maneuver around. Hopefully you will like the "My Photo Album" site better. Let me know what you think. I've posted her first birthday party, valentine's day, and 14 month pics. I'll put more up as I learn how to use the sight!

Happy surfing!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

more of the cha chas...

Tuesday- Hannah gets the stomach virus

Wednesday- James gets the stomach virus and vomits all night

Thursday, 6:00am- Julie called and said that she got the stomach virus that Hannah has... so my baby got it, my husband got it, and now Aunt Ju Ju- who watches Hannah- got it!!! What a mess. I am praising God right now for allowing me to stay well through all of this. Julie said this virus knocked her off her feet and she's been in bed all day today. James is still sick throwing up. Hannah seems to be doing much better today. She ate a whole banana tonight and played a little bit. I am worried she is going to suck all the skin right off of her little thumb though... ick!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

cha cha cha...


And we're not dancing over here at my house...

I'm talking about the stomach virus that Hannah has. It's not been very fun. She started throwing up and having the "cha cha cha's" yesterday at her Aunt Ju Ju's house and she continued to feel terrible all last night and all day today. She ran fever and couldn't even keep pedia-lite down. Today, all she ate was three crackers, some bread, and a little mashed potatoes all day. Poor little thing. I hate it when she gets sick.

The worst news is that James got it this afternoon and hasn't been able to keep anything down since 11 this morning...

Pray I don't start doing the cha cha because I gotta go to work!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007


What mess?
This is what I find in nearly EVERY room that Hannah has gone into lately. If it's not the books on her bookshelf, then it's the books in our office, or the entire roll of toilet paper that she's rolled off the roll and onto the floor. You'd think I'd be skinnier chasing her around all the time!