Miss Hannah's Page

A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fall Fun

We had some fun in our first big leaf pile of the season.

I think Hannah had fun. Mama did too... taking pictures!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Little Ladybug and her Mama

I just wanted to add a few more pics from our Ladybug fun.
We took these outside at PopPop's and "Memma's" house.
Say "Bye Bye, Hannah!"

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Little Ladybug

Here's my little ladybug all dressed up and ready for a big time. We had a lot of places to go and a lot of people to see! The first stop we made was to church to put on her costume. LiLi and Lissa got to see her first, and Aunt Lissa even did Hannah's face up real cute for her ladybug moment.
Tammy came to meet me and we left the Bayou and went to my dad's.
After that, we made a quick run to Hannah's great-gramma's house... Our Nana!
Then we went to dinner with LiLi, GiGi, Ginger, Karen, Aunt Lissa and Evan at Café Roma's in River Ranch. Hannah ate more pasta than I did!
Off we went to see JuJu with DaDa now. When we got there, Hannah found a jolly rancher, and then...
CHOCOLATE!!! She wanted it so bad, she didn't wait to unwrap it. :) A girl after my own heart..
Look at little Evan... AWWWWWW SHA!
We went by the Petry's afterwards and got to see Emma and Cameron dressed up like the Wizard of Oz. Cameron was Dorothy and Emma was the wicked witch. OH MY!
What a fun way to spend the evening! Happy Fall, Y'all!