Beach Time Part 3
Baby is fast asleep right now... so I thought I'd take a moment to send some more pics your way. This photo shoot was done on our last day at the beach, Thursday, August 10th. It was around 6:30am. Listen folks, you must know this fact. I am NOT, repeat, NOT a morning person. I am a musician in heart. If I had my way, I'd stay up until midnight or later and sleep in until 10am. However, I have the worst job in the world for night owls. I teach. Therefore, I have to BE at work by 7:45, which means I have to leave my house before 7am. It's a curse. On top of that madness, my baby girl decided that this week was the time for her tooth to FINALLY pop up, so she's been waking up at 2 or 3am. Happy as a lark, she just can't sleep. ANYWAY... so we had been up since 3am playing in the bathroom in the condo while James and the kids slept. Hannah and I finally got stir crazy and so we left the condo when the sun came up and took a long walk to the state park nearby. Here's what we came up with.
I swear that's the happiest baby I know. Here she is cutting her first tooth, and can still make a great big smile. Does she know how to strike a pose or what?!
I can't believe I spent over $200 on pictures from Allen Breaux... What a crock. At least by going there, I have new found confidence in my ability to capture a shot. It's all by completely dumb luck, mind you, but I still capture the shot...
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