Miss Hannah's Page

A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Trash Talk

Hannah's newest thing to do is to eat paper from the trash. Yes, I am serious. She will find any trash can within crawling distance and she will dump the trash can out and eat all the paper. Right now, under my feet is a little seven month old girl, chewing up an old envelope. She looks like a school teacher with all her papers around her in a little pile. She thoroughly investigates each paper (with her mouth, naturally), then she sets it back down and finds another delicious page to mouth.

We have a paper shredder that usually holds mounds of unsolicited credit card applications and junk mail coupons on it waiting for their day of shredding. Guess who found the pile!! Here she is nestled in amongst all her paper treasures.

I'm wondering if she is just curious about her world and willing to explore everything, even trash, or if she truly has a fettish for things uncivilized and worthy of a trash can. Let's pray she's just inquisitive!


At 8:20 AM, August 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course I love the animal print outfit she's wearing...its adorable. Ive got to get a pic of that one for sure! Trashy baby!!!!
Love it.


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