Miss Hannah's Page

A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Babushka Baby

Hannah is all dressed up and ready for church! She is the best dressed gal around. She got her cute little sundress and babushka from her long lost cousin Beth's wonderful baby store called Baby Old Towne Spring in Spring, Texas.

This morning she was just not interested in that camera. Can you imagine that she would be sick of taking pictures?? How is it possible!!! Not MY daughter!!!

She would look at me like I'm plum out of my mind, and then she'd run in the other direction.

Of course, she had to have all her favorite toys around her... She was teething all weekend. Her second tooth finally came in on Tuesday! Now she has a two-tooth grin!

But finally I caught her...

The way she's looking at me can only tell you one thing... she's gonna be trouble!!!


At 9:15 PM, August 24, 2006, Blogger Susan said...

Oh I love that outfit! And she is just TOO CUTE in it! I'm gonna have to go check out that store in Spring real soon.

At 6:02 AM, August 26, 2006, Blogger caryn said...

You'd love that place. If you know how to get to Spring, you can't miss her store. It's on the right as you drive in the main road. You'll LOVE IT!!!


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