Fun with the Flowers
A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...
I have been terrible about taking pictures of only Hannah, and not Hannah with other people. So here are a few pics of Hannah with her peeps. Here is Hannah with her favorite person in the world... her Nanny!!! I'll say to her, "Hannah, who loves you?" and she replies "Mama!" Then I say, "Hannah, who do YOU love?" Her answer: "Nanny!!" How do you like that!! Sheeesh!!!
"Hooray!!! Mama, I was a good baby today!!!"
Sunday after church, James, Tammy, Amy, me, and Hannah went back downtown for more international tunes.We saw four groups: Frigg- a fiddle group from Finland, Solas from Ireland, the Lovell Sisters (my personal favorite) and Amazones: Women Drummers of Guinea. They were AMAZING! Hannah had a ball dancing and watching those women play their drums. It was a great festival weekend and I'm so glad it was such beautiful weather for festival!!
Yes, that's my beautiful baby girl. What has happened to that once sweet, docile child I once knew?? I haven't posted anything lately because Hannah is just too busy to stop for photos these days. She is my little tornado. She runs all over her toys, plows into the furniture head first, tries to dive off of the couch, ottoman, and other furniture, and is basically a big mess. She's also started throwing temper tantrums. Is this the beginning of the "Terrible Twos" that I've always heard of?? If so, she's starting early. She literally throws herself onto the ground and beats it, screaming at the top of her lungs. She also has taken up the sport of beating on her own body if she's mad. Ah, the joys of motherhood...
Here's Hannah with her gramma, "GiGi." GiGi came to spend the weekend with Hannah and me. We had a big time reading books, playing with toys, and chasing around the little tornado.