Miss Hannah's Page

A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


We finally broke down and got our baby girl a bike. Buying her a bike signifies that she's not a baby anymore, so I put off buying her one until we went to our friend's house and Hannah rode every toy they had. Then I felt bad for her... poor thing... she's so neglected and all... doesn't have ANYTHING else to play with...
This is her first tricycle. It's pink and purple and it has tassles on the handlebars, which make her very happy. Every time the tassle catches her eye, she says "oooooh." I think she's in love. The night we brought it home she stayed on it until bed time, even though she didn't know how to peddle it. She was as contented as can be just sitting on it.
She can even say bike now. Biiii, biiiii. That's all we hear around our house. That, and "bubbles!" are her two favorite things to do right now. Here she is putting down her bubbles so she can go riding again. What a rough life!


At 9:30 PM, April 17, 2007, Blogger Susan said...

Yay for Hannah! Gosh, she looks so big sitting on her new bike. I love the one you picked out for her. Chances are we'll probably get the same one for Emily (but not for at least six months!). And you wouldn't be surprised we have that same cute little dress with the cherries. Y'all have good taste ;)

At 10:22 AM, April 18, 2007, Blogger Julie said...

That sure is a nice bike you got Miss Hannah. The color suits you.

I Love You
Aunt Ju Ju

At 4:36 PM, April 18, 2007, Blogger caryn said...


I know, I agree so much with you about how big Hannah looks on her bike. When she sits on it, her legs look so long!! She is just growing too fast!!!

At 4:36 PM, April 18, 2007, Blogger caryn said...


Hannah said she luvs her aunt "guu guu." haha!


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