Miss Hannah's Page

A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Invasion of ELMO

Elmo has invaded our quiet, peaceful home. He's everywhere. Hannah has an Elmo chair that giggles when you sit on it. She has an Elmo that does the hokey pokey. She has an Elmo/Cookie Monster ball that giggles and shakes when you squeeze it. And now, her latest Elmo purchase... the "So Big" Elmo book. She likes it. A lot.
She reads it over and over. We bought it for her because ever since she started reading Pat the Bunny, she always puts her hands in the air when it said... "How big is bunny? So big!" That's her latest 'trick'... she can put her hands in the air when we say "How big is Hannah." So when I saw this Elmo book, I couldn't pass it up. We should have bought stock in Sesame Street.

Monday, January 29, 2007

For my obsessed fans

I heard a rumor that I have an obsessed fan that loves to check out Hannah's website. So I thought I better post a few new pics. HAHA!!! Here is Hannah playing outside in the SUN!!! She loves her "ba" which means ball.... not to be confused with "baa" which means bath. :)
Check out this baby. Look at those fingers. She knows who can play ball! Look at her! Go girl, go girl.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saints Fans

We had a great time watching the NFC Championship Game last Sunday. Our team, the Saints, have never made it this far before in the history of the franchise, so we decided that we would have our own little football party, just James, Hannah, and me.

Hannah watched the game for about... two minutes. Then she decided it would be more fun to hang out somewhere else...INSIDE her toy chest. Good call baby girl...

Saturday, January 20, 2007


This my baby's latest obsession: Pat the Bunny. Allow me to show you what I am referring to:

Hannah is perfectly content listening to someone read her this book over, and over, and over, and over. Usually, she can't even stay still long enough to have her diaper changed. But if you're reading Pat the Bunny to her... she'll sit quietly for what seems like hours. Hannah loves when her daddy reads Pat the Bunny to her.

She wants to do it, so don't even try to help her. And don't think for one minute you can skip some of the lines in the book, because she'll point to the page that the words are on and look at you like HELLO!! YOU MISSED SOMETHING!She especially likes this book because she can do all the things it says to do. She pats the bunny, then she plays peek-a-boo with the boy in the story, Paul, then she feels daddy's scratchy face and puts the ring on her finger. There's one part in the book where it says "How big is bunny? Soooooo big!" And so now we can ask Hannah, "How big is Hannah?" and she puts her hands in the air like the little bunny and we all say "Soooo big!" It's precious.
She's a cutie!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The run-away toddler!!!

You may have been wondering what is up with Hannah because I haven't posting pictures lately. Well, I am here to solve the mystery and show you what she's been up to. The truth is, I can't get her to be STILL long enough to take a good picture!!! She is all over the place and won't keep still for a second!! See for yourself.

All I can get lately is shots of her running away from me because she won't stay still long enough to SMILE for the camera!! There she goes with her toys in hand!
Yes, she's sitting in my refrigerator. Don't ask me... but she loves it right there.
Uh huh.... sweeping. I can't imagine why this would be interesting to her... it's sure no fun if you ask me!!
That's my musical baby playing maracas!! Oh wait, she's eating the maracas... hold on...

"Awww mom!! You know you can always get a picture of my when I'm in my high chair!!"

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Christmas, Part Two

Christmas day we went to my step-sister Donna's house in Opelousas. They have a beautiful house in a lovely neighborhood, a perfect place for a big Christmas celebration.

Donna's daughter Sarah has a 17-month old son, Carson. I think she liked him.They played by the window looking out of it and screaming to anyone that would hear them.Hannah and Carson got to hang out all day long in Carson's play room. He's got a toy or two that he plays with...