Miss Hannah's Page

A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Love the baby

Here is Hannah with her baby doll, Hanna, that her great-grandmother "Nana" gave to her. When Hannah was about four months old, she went to visit Nana. When she was there, she fell in love with this vintage baby doll. Well, Nana just couldn't let my baby girl leave without it. So we brought her home. Now, you have to know, this baby doll feels like the real deal. It's weighted to feel REAL, and it even has on Hannah's outfit when she came home from the hospital. When we first brought the doll home, she would FREAK OUT every time I held the doll. She would scoot over to me and try to get in my lap, fighting for equal attention. It was adorable.

But now, she's discovered that she loves the baby!! So we say, "Hannah, love the baby! Kiss the baby!" and she gives it tons of kisses. Isn't she sweet? Ask her for a kiss... she might kiss you too! Sha baby.


At 7:32 AM, October 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats adorable..it does look like a real baby. Id love to have a Hannah kiss! Love you all!


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