Miss Hannah's Page

A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...

Saturday, September 30, 2006

rock a bye baby

Hannah loves her daddy. And her daddy is absolutely over the moon in love with Hannah. She says "Da Da" now, but we're not sure if she realizes that her daddy's name is Da Da, or if it's random baby talk. Either way, it warms James's heart to hear her say Da Da none the less. Here are some candids I took with the two love birds together as Hannah takes a nap on his lap. This is her favorite spot to nap.

Isn't she an angel?

Friday, September 29, 2006

Innocence.... yeah right...

This is my baby girl.
My innocent, loving, guilt-free little baby.

She is nine months old now, and today she is learning how to 'self feed.' Translation? Today Hannah gets to take her spoon by herself, dip it into her food, and FLING food all over my kitchen.Awwwww, isn't that sweet of her?

Now, the doctor has ASSURED me that this is for HER benefit.
What kid in their right mind WOULDN'T want to fling food around a kitchen that THEY don't have to clean, I ask you?!!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

9 month checkup and all is well... well, sort of...

Hannah went to Dr. Boustany this week for her nine month checkup. She has been teething, so she had the usual symptoms of diarrhea, runny nose, cough and congestion. The doctor didn't seem interested in that stuff, so I was glad that she didn't make more of an issue with that, since last time she said that these symptoms are NOT related to teething. Funny... she pushed through two teeth that week, and now here we are again with similar symptoms and she's pushing through two more on top. Maybe I should have gone to med school.

Anyway, all her vitals were good. She is 31 inches tall, which is well above the 100th percentile. 31 inches is the average (50%) of most 15 month olds!! HA~ I got a tall one! She is 19lb 7oz, which is in the average range for her AGE, but it's only about the 10th percentile for her height. So this had the doctor a bit concerned. When I told her that Hannah wasn't taking as many bottles as she used to because all she wanted was solids, she told me that we needed to give her the bottle first, then offer solid food. She had her tested for anemia, and the results came back borderline. So all we have to do is offer her one additional bottle a day, or just make sure she has 20-24 oz of formula in a day. I sure wish someone would have given me those numbers from the get go... it would have made it easier to figure it all out!

So here she is... all ready to go to her Nanny's birthday party. She's wearing an outfit that Tammy bought her and she even has the shoes to match! Poor thing.. you can tell she doesn't feel well in this picture. Those darn teeth!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Into more mess

Hannah can't keep her hands to herself these days. Her newest and most favorite obsession to date is my bookshelf. This bookshelf houses my entire book collection, and there is absolutely no room in any other room in my house for me to move these books out of her way so she doesn't mess them up. I'm determined to leave them on the bookshelf and get her used to them being there. I want to teach her to leave them alone. See for yourself how I'm doing with this lesson...

Obviously, you can see that she's learning this lesson...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Football Baby

And here's the flip side...
Our baby is a Saints baby.

This IS by default, mind you... we live in Louisiana. So verily, we must cheer for our home team. This would be, alas, the saints. Now, our household is the traditional Saints-loving household. And my husband is a TRUE, devoted saints fan. He watches the game and complains about them the entire time. Here are the two die hard Saints fans!

Hannah is oblivious to the love/hate relationship that most fans have with the Saints. All she knows is that FOOTBALL is on TV, and she LOVES it. She runs up to the TV and tries to crawl inside to play with the team. I'm thinking that she might be an asset to the Saints.

....saying a prayer for the Saints...


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lil' Cutie

What can you do?
You just gotta love that FACE!!!