Ten months
Ten months, and all is well. Hannah is feeling better and growing bigger every day. It's so hard to buy her clothes right now, because she is a small baby for her height. Up until about a few days ago, she was still wearing a lot of her 6-9 month clothes, as long as they were dresses or tops. But all her pants are too short. Eveything looks like capris on her. I am now in eager pursuit of 12 month pants for the baby girl.
She is walking more and more every day. Last Friday, she took 15 steps in a row between me and her grandpa, "Pop Pop." She is getting more and more confident walking. Since she had the flu, she's more clingy and doesn't want to walk as much, but I know this is just a stage she's going through.
She has started eating more table food. Last night we gave her chunks of REAL banana (not the gerber brand... although I have to say that the gerber baby food is TRULY convenient and it's going to take an act of GOD to get me to stop using the jars of baby food!). She LOVED it. She went to town chewing her banana chunks. Her favorite snack is cherry flavored fruit puffs. She ha been experiementing with a spoon also, but that's slow going, since mama doesn't want a big mess in her kitchen. HA!!
Hannah's favorite words are "Mama" (naturally) "DaDa" and "BaBA" for her bottle. She is also trying to say "Nana" for her nanny, and bye bye. It's so cute. She waves bye bye to EVERYONE, and she can blow a kiss. I'll post some pics soon of her blowing a kiss, Hannah style. She can also "give me five." It's so hilarious.
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