Miss Hannah's Page

A place where all our friends, both near and far, can see Hannah as she grows...

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Pics

Thought I would post a few of Hannah's cutest pics from Christmas time.She's getting the idea of how these presents work...
Here she is with her best friend, Nanny. :)
PopPop got her a kitchen! I think she loves it!!!

Awwwww... the lil family...

This is the picture we took at Acadian Village. Buffy Massey was the photographer. I think he did a great job!

These were the shots taken at JC Penney's for Christmas. Yeah... I know I know... I know tons of photographers that do professional-quality work, but it's so EASY to book an appointment to JC Penney! And they did do a great job.


At 5:29 PM, January 10, 2008, Blogger Julie said...

Such a sweet family, the second pic shows what a great time Hannah is having. She has gotten the hang of getting gifts unwrapped. Just love her so much. She always makes me smile.

At 7:03 PM, January 12, 2008, Blogger caryn said...

yeah, she totally gets the whole "present" thing... she wanted to open everyone else's presents too, not just hers. HAHAHAH!!! :) Gotta love that baby.


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